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  • Automatization

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Process automation – the strategic advantage for companies

Process automation is revolutionizing the efficiency and performance of companies. The use of software and scripts to execute repeatable processes reduces manual tasks and increases productivity. This enables faster scaling of business transactions and supports digital transformation. Automation extends across various areas such as finance, controlling, HR, and production. It offers significant advantages, including cost reduction, error reduction, and freeing employees from monotonous tasks so that they can focus on strategically important projects.

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The automation of administrative business processes is a central aspect of digitalization and plays a crucial role in the optimization and transformation of companies in all industries.

The use of specialized software and its business rules generates instructions and processes that aim to minimize or even replace human interaction with IT systems. This software operates within clearly defined parameters to perform tasks autonomously and without human intervention.

Automation can theoretically be applied to any type of decision and recording task. From invoice receipt to the decision on incoming claims to data entry from paper – the possibilities are endless. However, automation functions and applications can be used not only for the actual operational execution but also for the analysis and preparation of digital applications such as SAP & Co. Elaborate work for requirements analysis and testing can thus be carried out much more easily.

The advantages of automated business processes

A major advantage of automated business processes is the increase in productivity. By automating repetitive and monotonous processes, employees can be freed from these tasks and deployed for more significant work. This leads to a reduction in errors and an improvement in collaboration within teams. It also creates time for innovations and strategic projects.

Automation makes it possible to have processes available transparently and to adapt them quickly and efficiently to new requirements. This saves time and resources, since the analysis of business processes today is more or less done manually in extensive workshops. However, the workshop results often have little to do with reality and mainly address special cases.

Despite the many advantages, there are also challenges to implementing it. These include the need for careful planning and goal setting, alignment with business strategy, selection of the right tools and technologies, and training of employees. In addition, automation can lead to a change in job roles, which can create resistance among employees.

The future of business process automation:

  • Advances in technology:
    • Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
    • Development of new automation tools and platforms.
    • Analytical tools such as Microsoft Process Mining
  • Expansion of automation capabilities:
    • Automation of complex and creative tasks.
    • Improving decision-making through data-driven analysis.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness:
    • Increasing operational efficiency in organizations.
    • Reducing the time spent on routine tasks and focusing on strategic goals.
  • Employees and automation:
    • Retraining and further education of employees for dealing with new technologies.
    • Shifting work roles towards more creative and strategic activities.
  • Competitive advantage:
    • Companies that adapt automation technologies gain a competitive advantage.
    • Improving service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Future challenges:
    • A new role in the company is needed for digitization. The “knowing” all-round clerks will become an endangered species.

The future of business process automation looks promising. As technology advances and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning become more widely accepted, automation capabilities will continue to expand. This will enable companies to operate even more efficiently and effectively by automating complex tasks and freeing their employees to work on more creative and strategic tasks.

In summary, IT automation is a powerful tool for businesses to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced world. It offers the opportunity to reduce costs, increase efficiency and maximize employee productivity. As automation continues to advance, companies that adopt and integrate this technology will have a distinct advantage over their competitors.